I got invited to a CPG food marketers group Zoom call recently and was excited to attend. The subject was innovation and the lady presenting talked about product innovation and creating a culture of innovation at companies. We talked about timelines and budgets and how to ask the right questions and how to iterate. Then we got to the end of her presentation and she asked for questions. There were a few hands that went up and people asked some good questions about how to foster a culture of innovation at their companies. I couldn't help myself. I put my hand up and asked a question that I ask myself all the time: " Why should we innovate?" She had a pretty good answer, so it's not like this was her first time getting the question. She talked about how innovation didn't have to be a product, it could be a new way of doing things at a company that was better than the old way of doing things. I like that answer and it resonates with me. But when we all in CPG are t...
Things I've learned and continue to learn.